Name: Mutant alien
Name of mount: Carzmeric/ caz-mere-wreck
Appearence of Amigo: A mutant strong dragon, it hates light as i do
1st Skill, Ablility, and/or Weapon: Flying
2nd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: swimming
3rd Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: turns enemies to stone
4th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: Earthquake, it roars loud to make it
5th Skill, Ability, and/or Weapon: sword tail, its end sharpens itself- he is a powerful thing, good sences
History with your allie: Earth gods gave to me, i found the maggot, it wasn't powerful enough so i gave it danthic dna, now it is very powerful. He is hardly ever tired. It protects me. It asks me to train it to be a danthic.